Applied Geochemistry
Journal Abbreviation: APPL GEOCHEM
ISSN: 0883-2927
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (9)
Geochemical and isotope characterization of groundwater and assessment of surface water mixing in the coastal karst aquifer basin in northwestern Sri Lanka (2024)
Bandara UGC, Diyabalanage S, Barth J, Chandrajith R
Journal article
Sorption of europium on diatom biosilica as model of a “green” sorbent for f-elements (2021)
Kammerlander KKK, Koehler L, Huittinen N, Bok F, Steudtner R, Oschatz C, Vogel M, et al.
Journal article
A high-resolution carbon balance in a small temperate catchment: insights from the Schwabach River, Germany (2017)
Lee K, van Geldern R, Barth J
Journal article, Original article
Assessment of land subsidence mechanisms triggered by dolomitic marble dissolution from hydrogeochemistry and stable isotopes of spring waters (2015)
Chandrajith R, Jayasena HAH, van Geldern R, Barth J
Journal article
High-resolution stable carbon isotope monitoring indicates variable flow dynamic patterns in a deep saline aquifer at the Ketzin pilot site (Germany) (2014)
Nowak M, van Geldern R, Myrttinen A, Zimmer M, Barth J
Journal article
Rivers of North-Rhine Westphalia revisited: Tracing changes in river chemistry (2008)
Stoegbauer A, Strauss H, Arndt J, Marek V, Einsiedl F, van Geldern R
Journal article, Original article
Water fluxes and their control on the terrestrial carbon balance: Results from a stable isotope study on the Clyde Watershed (Scotland) (2007)
Barth J
Journal article
Indications for pedogenic formation of perylene in a terrestrial soil profile: Depth distribution and first results from stable carbon isotope ratios (2007)
Barth J
Journal article
Water mixing in a St. Lawrence river embayment to outline potential sources of pollution (2004)
Barth J
Journal article