Interfaces and Free Boundaries
Journal Abbreviation: INTERFACE FREE BOUND
ISSN: 1463-9963
Publisher: European Mathematical Society
Publications (6)
The double-bubble problem on the square lattice (2023)
Friedrich M, Górny W, Stefanelli U
Journal article
Curve-shortening of open elastic curves with repelling endpoints: A minimizing movements approach (2022)
Badal R
Journal article
On differentiability of the membrane-mediated mechanical interaction energy of discrete continuum membrane particle models (2021)
Graeser C, Kies T
Journal article
Segregation effects and gap formation in cross-diffusion models (2020)
Burger M, Carrillo JA, Pietschmann JF, Schmidtchen M
Journal article
A phase-field model for electrowetting (2009)
Grün G, Eck C, Fontelos MA, Klingbeil F, Vantzos O
Journal article, Original article
Simulation of Dendritic Crystal Growth with Thermal Convection (2000)
Bänsch E, Schmidt A
Journal article, Original article