Acta Materialia
Journal Abbreviation: ACTA MATER
ISSN: 1359-6454
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (143)
Confined recrystallization of high-purity aluminium during accumulative roll bonding of aluminium laminates (2012)
Chekhonin P, Beausir B, Scharnweber J, Oertel CG, Hausöl T, Höppel HW, Brokmeier HG, Skrotzki W
Journal article
Existence of two twinning-mediated plastic deformation modes in Au nanowhiskers (2012)
Sedlmayr A, Bitzek E, Gianola DS, Richter G, Moenig R, Kraft O
Journal article
A quantitative atom probe study of the Nb excess at prior austenite grain boundaries in a Nb microalloyed strip-cast steel (2012)
Felfer P, Killmore CR, Williams JG, Carpenter KR, Ringer SP, Cairney JM
Journal article, Original article
A 3-D view on the mechanisms of short fatigue cracks interacting with grain boundaries (2011)
Schaef W, Marx M, Vehoff H, Heckl A, Randelzhofer P
Journal article
Three-dimensional electron backscattered diffraction analysis of deformation in MgO micropillars (2011)
Korte S, Ritter M, Jiao C, Midgley PA, Clegg WJ
Journal article
Temperature dependence of the strength of fine- and ultrafine-grained materials (2011)
Schneibel JH
Journal article
Self-supporting nanocrystalline diamond foils: Influence of template morphologies on the mechanical properties measured by ball on three balls testing (2011)
Ramakrishnan R, Lodes M, Rosiwal S, Singer R
Journal article, Original article
Fracture toughness of silicon nitride thin films of different thicknesses as measured by bulge tests (2011)
Merle B, Göken M
Journal article
Stress evolution and cracking of crystalline diamond thin films on ductile titanium substrate: Analysis by micro-Raman spectroscopy and analytical modelling (2011)
Rosiwal S
Journal article
Erratum: A simple dislocation model of deformation resistance of ultrafine-grained materials explaining Hall-Petch strengthening and enhanced strain rate sensitivity (Acta Materialia (2009) 57 (1966-1974)) (2011)
Blum W, Zeng XH
Journal article, Erratum