Mechanism and Machine Theory
Journal Abbreviation: MECH MACH THEORY
ISSN: 0094-114X
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (6)
Optimal control simulations of two-finger grasps (2022)
Phutane U, Roller M, Leyendecker S
Journal article, Original article
A variational simulation framework for the analysis of load distribution and radial displacement of cylindrical roller bearings (2020)
Aschenbrenner A, Schleich B, Tremmel S, Wartzack S
Journal article, Original article
Impact of friction and gait parameters on the optimization of series elastic actuators for gait assistance (2019)
Stuhlenmiller F, Clos D, Rinderknecht S, Beckerle P, Font-Llagunes JM
Journal article
Gap hull estimation for rigid mechanical joints considering form deviations and multiple pairs of mating surfaces (2018)
Schleich B, Wartzack S
Journal article, Original article
Series and Parallel Elastic Actuation: Impact of natural dynamics on power and energy consumption (2016)
Verstraten T, Beckerle P, Furnemont R, Mathijssen G, Vanderborght B, Lefeber D
Journal article
A discrete geometry approach for tolerance analysis of mechanism (2014)
Schleich B, Wartzack S
Journal article, Original article