Computational Materials Science
Journal Abbreviation: COMP MATER SCI
ISSN: 0927-0256
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (30)
An effective Fourier spectral phase-field approach for ferroelectric materials (2023)
Durdiev D, Wendler F
Journal article
Effects of interatomic potential on fracture behaviour in single- and bicrystalline tungsten (2022)
Hiremath P, Melin S, Bitzek E, Olsson PA
Journal article
An automated approach for developing neural network interatomic potentials with FLAME (2021)
Mirhosseini H, Tahmasbi H, Kuchana SR, Ghasemi SA, Kühne TD
Journal article
Multi-material model for the simulation of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing (2021)
Küng V, Scherr R, Markl M, Körner C
Journal article
Grain boundary interaction based on gradient crystal inelasticity and decohesion (2020)
Spannraft L, Ekh M, Larsson F, Runesson K, Steinmann P
Journal article
Assessment and optimization of the fast inertial relaxation engine (FIRE) for energy minimization in atomistic simulations and its implementation in LAMMPS (2020)
Guénolé J, Nöhring WG, Vaid A, Houlle F, Xie Z, Prakash A, Bitzek E
Journal article
Combined molecular dynamics and phase-field modelling of crack propagation in defective graphene (2019)
Hansen-Doerr AC, Wilkens L, Croy A, Dianat A, Cuniberti G, Kaestner M
Journal article
On the influence of the compliant electrodes on the mechanical behavior of VHB 4905 (2019)
Mehnert M, Steinmann P
Journal article
DAMASK – The Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit for modeling multi-physics crystal plasticity, thermal, and damage phenomena from the single crystal up to the component scale (2019)
Roters F, Diehl M, Shanthraj P, Eisenlohr P, Reuber C, Wong SL, Maiti T, et al.
Journal article
Numerical microstructure prediction by a coupled finite element cellular automaton model for selective electron beam melting (2019)
Köpf J, Soldner D, Ramsperger M, Mergheim J, Markl M, Körner C
Journal article, Original article