Febs Letters

Journal Abbreviation: FEBS LETT
ISSN: 0014-5793
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (29)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



In plants the alc gene expression system responds more rapidly following induction with acetaldehyde than with ethanol (2003) Sonnewald U Journal article The GCM domain is a Zn-coordinating DNA-binding domain (2002) Wegner M Journal article, Original article GORK, a delayed outward rectifier expressed in guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana, is a K(+)-selective, K(+)-sensing ion channel. (2000) Ache P, Becker D, Ivashikina N, Dietrich P, Roelfsema MRG, Hedrich R Journal article, Original article Transcription of the yeast TNA1 gene is not only regulated by nicotinate but also by p-aminobenzoate [1] (2000) Klebl F, Zillig M, Sauer N Journal article, Letter High CO2-mediated down-regulation of photosynthetic gene transcripts is caused by accelerated leaf senescence rather than sugar accumulation (2000) Sonnewald U Journal article Spinach hexokinase I is located in the outer envelope membrane of plastids (1999) Sonnewald U Journal article Structural analysis of a plant sucrose carrier using monoclonal antibodies and bacteriophage lambda surface display. (1999) Stolz J, Ludwig A, Stadler R, Biesgen C, Hagemann K, Sauer N Journal article, Original article Immunochemical Detection of Oxalate Monoalkylamide, an Ascorbate-derived Maillard Reaction Product, in the Human Lens (1999) Nagaraj RH, Shamsi F, Huber B, Pischetsrieder M Journal article Bacteriophage lambda surface display of a bacterial biotin acceptor domain reveals the minimal peptide size required for biotinylation. (1998) Stolz J, Ludwig A, Sauer N Journal article, Original article Molecular analysis of regulation of gene expression of the human erythroid anion exchanger (AE) 1 (1998) König J Journal article
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