Chemical Physics
Journal Abbreviation: CHEM PHYS
ISSN: 0301-0104
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (17)
The role of structural symmetry on proton tautomerization: A DFTB/Meta-Dynamics computational study (2021)
Raptakis A, Croy A, Dianat A, Gutierrez R, Cuniberti G
Journal article
Time-dependent framework for energy and charge currents in nanoscale systems (2018)
Lehmann T, Croy A, Gutierrez R, Cuniberti G
Journal article
An analysis of nonadiabatic ring-polymer molecular dynamics and its application to vibronic spectra (2017)
Richardson J, Meyer P, Pleinert MO, Thoss M
Journal article
DFT study of reaction processes of methane combustion on PdO(1 0 0) (2014)
Dianat A, Seriani N, Ciacchi LC, Bobeth M, Cuniberti G
Journal article
Simulations of the polarisation-dependent Raman intensity of beta-carotene in photosystem II crystals (2013)
Brose K, Zouni A, Mueh F, Mroginski MA, Maultzsch J
Journal article
Synthesis and photophysics of a novel photocatalyst for hydrogen production based on a tetrapyridoacridine bridging ligand (2012)
Karnahl M, Kuhnt C, Heinemann FW, Schmitt M, Rau S, Popp J, Dietzek B
Journal article
Progressive transformations of silica glass upon densification (2012)
Sonneville C, Mermet A, Champagnon B, Martinet C, Margueritat J, de Ligny D, Deschamps T, Balima F
Journal article, Original article
Force statistics and correlations in dense granular packings (2010)
Müller MK, Luding S, Pöschel T
Journal article, Original article
New sources and instrumentation for neutrons in biology (2008)
Teixeira SCM, Zaccai G, Ankner J, Bellissent-Funel MC, Bewley R, Blakeley MP, Callow P, et al.
Journal article, Erratum
Photophysical studies of six amphiphilic 2:1 cyclodextrin:[60]fullerene derivatives (2006)
Quaranta A, Zhang Y, Filippone S, Yang J, Sinay P, Rassat A, Edge R, et al.
Journal article, Original article