Psychology and Aging
Journal Abbreviation: PSYCHOL AGING
ISSN: 0882-7974
Publisher: American Psychological Association
Publications (16)
Daily Experiences of Subjective Age Discordance and Well-Being (2021)
Bellingtier JA, Rupprecht F, Neupert SD, Lang F
Journal article
Personal Ideals of Aging and Longevity: The Role of Subjective Discordances (2020)
Rupprecht F, Lang F
Journal article
Age differences in the relationship between cortisol and emotional memory (2019)
Gutchess A, Alves AN, Paige LE, Rohleder N, Wolf JM
Journal article
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Promote Volunteering in Older Adults (2014)
Warner LM, Wolff J, Ziegelmann JP, Wurm S, Wolff JK
Journal article, Original article
Effects of personality on the transition into caregiving (2013)
Rohr M, Wagner J, Lang F
Journal article, Original article
Personal effort in social relationships across adulthood (2013)
Lang F, Wagner J, Wrzus C, Neyer FJ
Journal article, Original article
Forecasting life satisfaction across adulthood: Benefits of seeing a dark future? (2013)
Lang F, Weiß D, Gerstorf D, Wagner GG
Journal article, Original article
How do negative self-perceptions of aging become a self-fulfilling prophecy? (2013)
Wurm S, Warner LM, Ziegelmann JP, Wolff JK, Schüz B, Wolff JK
Journal article, Original article
"They" are old but "I" feel younger: Age-group dissociation as a self-protective strategy in old age (2012)
Weiß D, Lang F
Journal article, Original article
Changes in Peripheral Social Partners and Loneliness Over Time: The Moderating Role of Interdependence (2011)
Zhang X, Yeung D, Fung HH, Lang F
Journal article, Original article