Laser Physics
Journal Abbreviation: LASER PHYS
ISSN: 1054-660X
Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica (МАИК Наука/Интерпериодика) / Institute of Physics
Publications (10)
Experimental reconstruction of spatial Schmidt modes for a wide-field SU(1,1) interferometer (2019)
Frascella G, Zakharov RV, Tikhonova OV, Chekhova M
Journal article
Ultrafast nonadiabatic dynamics of a water dimer in femtosecond laser pulses (2014)
Wang ZP, Dinh PM, Reinhard PG, Suraud E
Journal article
On the analogy between a single atom and an optical resonator (2010)
Heugel ST, Villar A, Sondermann M, Peschel U, Leuchs G
Journal article, Original article
A Peltier cooled single pass amplifier for Titanium:Sapphire laser pulses (2010)
Ozawa A, Schneider W, Najafi F, Haensch TW, Udem T, Hommelhoff P
Journal article
Reaching the resolved tunnel regime for a femtosecond oscillator driven field emission electron source (2009)
Hommelhoff P, Kealhofer C, Kasevich MA
Journal article
Polarization squeezing with photonic crystal fibers (2007)
Milanovic J, Heersink J, Marquardt C, Huck A, Andersen UL, Leuchs G
Journal article
A new 4 pi geometry optimized for focusing on an atom with a dipole-like radiation pattern (2007)
Lindlein N, Maiwald R, Konermann H, Sondermann M, Peschel U, Leuchs G
Journal article
The Effect of Dissipation on Nonclassical States of the Radiation Field (2005)
Leuchs G
Journal article
Absolute frequency measurement of the In+ clock transition with a mode-locked femtosecond laser (2001)
von Zanthier J, Becker T, Eichenseer M, Nevsky A, Schwedes C, Peik E, Walther H, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Detecting bouncing atoms (1996)
Kaiser R, Labeyrie G, Landragin A, Vansteenkiste N, Westbrook C, von Zanthier J, Aspect A
Journal article, Original article