Cancer Letters

Journal Abbreviation: CANCER LETT
ISSN: 0304-3835
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (10)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Osteocytes support bone metastasis of melanoma cells by CXCL5 (2024) Jia Y, Zhang F, Meng X, Andreev D, Lyu P, Zhang W, Lai C, et al. Journal article The predictive power of CD3+ T cell infiltration of oral squamous cell tumors is limited to non-diabetic patients (2021) Spanier G, Ugele I, Nieberle F, Symeou L, Schmidhofer S, Brand A, Meier J, et al. Journal article Metabolic targeting synergizes with MAPK inhibition and delays drug resistance in melanoma (2019) Brummer C, Faerber S, Bruss C, Blank C, Lacroix R, Haferkamp S, Herr W, et al. Journal article The intestinal stem cell regulating gene ASCL2 is required for L1-mediated colon cancer progression (2018) Basu S, Gavert N, Brabletz T, Ben-Ze'Ev A Journal article The Hsp70 inhibiting peptide aptamer A17 potentiates radiosensitization of tumor cells by Hsp90 inhibition (2017) Schilling D, Garrido C, Combs SE, Multhoff G Journal article Modulation of inflammation by low and high doses of ionizing radiation: Implications for benign and malign diseases (2015) Frey B, Hehlgans S, Rödel F, Gaipl U Journal article Contribution of the immune system to bystander and non-targeted effects of ionizing radiation (2015) Roedel F, Frey B, Multhoff G, Gaipl U Journal article Hsp90 inhibition by AUY922 as an effective treatment strategy against myxoid liposarcoma (2015) Steinmann S, Gali-Muhtasib H, Hübner K, Al-Halabi R, Abou Merhi R, Aman P, Agaimy A, et al. Journal article Mammary fibroblasts regulate morphogenesis of normal and tumorigenic breast epithelial cells by mechanical and paracrine signals (2012) Luehr I, Friedl A, Overath T, Tholey A, Kunze T, Hilpert F, Sebens S, et al. Journal article Combination of imatinib and vinorelbine enhances cell growth inhibition in breast cancer cells via PDGFR β signalling (2009) Weigel MT, Meinhold-Heerlein N, Bauerschlag DO, Schem C, Bauer M, Jonat W, Maass N, Mundhenke C Journal article