Geological Journal
Journal Abbreviation: GEOL J
ISSN: 0072-1050
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publications (3)
Middle to Late Ordovician carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Lower Yangtze Platform: Implications for global correlation (2021)
Gong F, Joachimski M, Yan G, Li L, Wei X, Wu R
Journal article
Early Triassic microconchids from the Perth Basin, Western Australia: Palaeoecology and flourishing in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction (2021)
Yang H, Chen ZQ, Mei X, Sun Y
Journal article
Early Silurian positive δ13C excursions and their relationships to glaciations, sea-level changes and extinction events: Discussion (2008)
Cramer BD, Munnecke A
Journal article, Note