
Journal Abbreviation: ALLERGOLOGIE
ISSN: 0344-5062
Publisher: Dustri-Verlag

Publications (19)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Möglichkeiten der Fertigung von Testallergenen in öffentlichen Apotheken zur Diagnostik von Typ I-Allergien – rechtliche Aspekte (2024) Jost R, Kespohl S, Paulus-Tremel KE, Zimmer J, Bonertz A, Sander I, Klose T, et al. Journal article, Review article Inhibition of allergen-specific human T-cell proliferation and allergic inflammation in PBMC-engrafted humanized mice by short chain fatty acids or probiotics (2023) Khatri R, Weigmann B, Schuppan D, Saloga J, Bellinghausen I Conference contribution Initial and repeat reactions in the European Anaphylaxis Registry a comparative analysis (2022) Hoefer V, Doelle-Bierke S, Rueff F, Hartmann K, Pfoehler C, Treudler R, Wagner N, Worm M Conference contribution Short chain fatty acids or a defined probiotic formulation attenuate allergen-specific human T cell proliferation and allergic inflammation in PBMCengrafted humanized mice (2022) Khatri R, Weigmann B, Sudowe S, Schuppan D, Saloga J, Bellinghausen I Conference contribution Dupilumab-induced erythema nodosum in a patient with atopic hand eczema (2022) Ronicke M, Sticherling M, Wagner N Conference contribution Allergic contact dermatitis - A review of selected literature 2020/2021 (2022) Werfel T, Uter W Journal article, Review article Status report on the atopic dermatitis registry TREATgermany Statusbericht zum Neurodermitisregister TREATgermany (2021) Siegels D, Haufe E, Heinrich L, Werfel T, Weidinger S, Schmitt J, Abraham S, et al. Journal article, Review article Langjährig rezidivierende „akute Urtikaria-Symptomatik“als Manifestation einer anstrengungsinduzierten Anaphylaxie auf Weizenmehl (WDEIA) (2021) Wagner N, Reese I Journal article Anaphylaxie im mittleren Lebensalter (2021) Francuzik W, Kraft M, Scherer Hofmeier K, Ruëff F, Pföhler C, Treudler R, Lang R, et al. Journal article Depletion of CD56+CD3+invariant natural killer T cells prevents allergic inflammation in humanized mice (2021) Ose R, Weigmann B, Saloga J, Bellinghausen I Conference contribution