Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
ISSN: 1550-2376
Publisher: American Physical Society (APS)
Publications (24)
Self-assembly of complex structures in colloid-polymer mixtures (2018)
Oğuz E, Mijailović A, Schmiedeberg M
Journal article, Original article
Investigation of interphase effects in silica-polystyrene nanocomposites based on a hybrid molecular-dynamics-finite-element simulation framework (2016)
Pfaller S, Possart G, Steinmann P, Rahimi M, Müller-Plathe F, Böhm MC
Journal article
Effects of pore-size and shape distributions on diffusion pore imaging by nuclear magnetic resonance (2015)
Kuder TA, Laun FB
Journal article
Wavelet synthetic method for turbulent flow (2015)
Zhou L, Rauh C, Delgado A
Journal article
Multifractal-cascade model for inertial and dissipation ranges based on the wavelet reconstruction method (2015)
Zhou L, Rauh C, Delgado A
Journal article
Self-organized shocks in the sedimentation of a granular gas (2015)
Almazan Torres L, Serero D, Salueña C, Pöschel T
Journal article, Original article
Fluidization of a horizontally driven granular monolayer (2015)
Heckel M, Sack A, Kollmer J, Pöschel T
Journal article, Original article
Sign problem of the fermionic shadow wave function (2014)
Calcavecchia F, Pederiva F, Kalos MH, Kühne TD
Journal article
Mobility-dependent selection of competing strategy associations (2014)
Dobrinevski A, Alava M, Reichenbach T, Frey E
Journal article
Acceleration and localization of subcritical crack growth in a natural composite material (2014)
Lennartz-Sassinek S, Main I, Zaiser M, Graham C
Journal article, Original article