Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures
Journal Abbreviation: PHYSICA E
ISSN: 1386-9477
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (4)
First-principles investigation of mechanical properties of silicene, germanene and stanene (2017)
Mortazavi B, Rahaman O, Makaremi M, Dianat A, Cuniberti G, Rabczuk T
Journal article
Influence of the growth conditions of epitaxial graphene on the film topography and the electron transport properties (2010)
Weingart S, Bock C, Kunze U, Emtsev K, Seyller T, Ley L
Journal article, Original article
TE- and TM-polarization-resolved spectroscopy on quantum wells under normal incidence (2006)
Malzer S, Leuchs G, Schardt M
Journal article, Original article
Field dependent carrier dynamics and charged excitons in InAs self-assembled quantum dots (1998)
Schmidt K, Kunze U, Medeiros-Ribeiro G, Garcia J, Wellmann P, Petroff P
Journal article, Original article