Fluid Dynamics Research
Journal Abbreviation: FLUID DYN RES
ISSN: 0169-5983
Publisher: Institute of Physics
Publications (7)
Quantification of amplitude modulation in wall-bounded turbulence (2019)
Dogan E, Orlu R, Gatti D, Vinuesa R, Schlatter P
Journal article
Numerical and experimental analysis of the flow and transition of free synthetic jets (2019)
Delgado A, Glowienko R, Derlien H, Ertunc Ö
Journal article
Flow characterization in periodic microchannels containing asymmetric grooves (2017)
Osorio Nesme A, Delgado A
Journal article
Effects of surface roughness and electrokinetic heterogeneity on electroosmotic flow in microchannel (2015)
Masilamani K, Ganguly S, Feichtinger C, Bartuschat D, Rüde U
Journal article, Original article
On the stability of an evaporating liquid surface (2012)
Krahl R, Bänsch E
Journal article, Original article
Hybrid lattice-Boltzmann and finite-difference simulation of electroosmotic flow in microchannel (2011)
Masilamani K, Ganguly S, Feichtinger C, Rüde U
Journal article
Mixed convection over a horizontal plate: self-similar and connecting boundary-layer flows (1995)
Steinrück HP
Journal article, Original article