European Physical Journal B
Journal Abbreviation: EUR PHYS J B
ISSN: 1434-6028
Publisher: EDP Sciences: EPJ
Publications (18)
Nickel coated carbon nanotubes in aluminum matrix composites: a multiscale simulation study (2019)
Nasiri S, Wang K, Yang M, Li Q, Zaiser M
Journal article
Statistical dynamics of early creep stages in disordered materials (2019)
Fernandez Castellanos D, Zaiser M
Journal article
Graph theoretical approaches for the characterization of damage in hierarchical materials (2019)
Moretti P, Renner J, Safari A, Zaiser M
Journal article
Size-dependent optical absorption of Cu2ZnSn(Se,S)4 quantum dot sensitizers from ab initio many-body methods (2018)
Koerbel S, Boulanger P, Blase X, Marques MAL, Botti S
Journal article
On the inclusion of dissipation on top of mean-field approaches (2018)
Dinh PM, Lacombe L, Reinhard PG, Suraud E, Vincendon M
Journal article
Assessment of quality and reliability of band structures from exact-exchange-only Kohn-Sham, hybrid, and GW methods (2018)
Trushin E, Görling A
Journal article
Dissipative quantum dynamics and optimal control using iterative time ordering: an application to superconducting qubits (2018)
Basilewitsch D, Marder L, Koch CP
Journal article
Relative distance between tracers as a measure of diffusivity within moving aggregates (2018)
Poenisch W, Zaburdaev V
Journal article
An efficient coarse-grained approach for the electron transport through large molecular systems under dephasing environment (2016)
Nozaki D, Bustos-Marun R, Cattena CJ, Cuniberti G, Pastawski HM
Journal article
Advances in wide bandgap SiC for optoelectronics (2014)
Ou H, Ou Y, Argyraki A, Schimmel S, Kaiser M, Wellmann P, Linnarsson MK, et al.
Journal article