Acta Neuropathologica

Journal Abbreviation: ACTA NEUROPATHOL
ISSN: 0001-6322
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Publications (22)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Polymorphous low-grade neuroepithelial tumor of the young (PLNTY): an epileptogenic neoplasm with oligodendroglioma-like components, aberrant CD34 expression, and genetic alterations involving the MAP kinase pathway (2017) Huse JT, Snuderl M, Jones DTW, Brathwaite CD, Altman N, Lavi E, Saffery R, et al. Journal article ?-Synuclein-induced myelination deficit defines a novel interventional target for multiple system atrophy (2016) Ettle B, Kerman BE, Valera E, Gillmann C, Schlachetzki J, Reiprich S, Büttner C, et al. Journal article Paradoxical antidepressant effects of alcohol are related to acid sphingomyelinase and its control of sphingolipid homeostasis (2016) Müller C, Kalinichenko L, Tiesel J, Witt M, Stöckl T, Sprenger E, Fuchser J, et al. Journal article Infections, inflammation and epilepsy (2016) Vezzani A, Fujinami RS, White HS, Preux PM, Blümcke I, Sander JW, Loescher W Journal article Mutant desmin substantially perturbs mitochondrial morphology, function and maintenance in skeletal muscle tissue (2016) Winter L, Wittig I, Peeva V, Eggers B, Heidler J, Chevessier F, Kley RA, et al. Journal article Perivascular microglia promote blood vessel disintegration in the ischemic penumbra (2015) Jolivel V, Bicker F, Binamé F, Ploen R, Keller S, Gollan R, Jurek B, et al. Journal article Pathology-based approach to epilepsy surgery (2014) Blümcke I, Lo Russo G, Najm I, Palmini A Journal article Cerebral cavernous malformations in the setting of focal epilepsies: pathological findings, clinical characteristics, and surgical treatment principles (2014) Jehi LE, Palmini A, Aryal U, Coras R, Paglioli E Journal article Environmental neurotoxic challenge of conditional alpha-synuclein transgenic mice predicts a dopaminergic olfactory-striatal interplay in early PD (2014) Nuber S, Tadros D, Fields J, Overk CR, Ettle B, Kosberg K, Mante M, et al. Journal article A neuropathology-based approach to epilepsy surgery in brain tumors and proposal for a new terminology use for long-term epilepsy-associated brain tumors (2014) Blümcke I, Aronica E, Urbach H, Alexopoulos A, Gonzalez-Martinez JA Journal article
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