European Physical Journal A
Journal Abbreviation: EUR PHYS J A
ISSN: 1434-6001
Publisher: EDP Sciences: EPJ
Publications (13)
Microscopic analysis of dipole electric and magnetic strengths in 156Gd (2024)
Nesterenko VO, Vishnevskiy PI, Reinhard PG, Repko A, Kvasil J
Journal article
Systematics of toroidal dipole modes in Ca, Ni, Zr, and Sn isotopes (2019)
Repko A, Nesterenko VO, Kvasil J, Reinhard PG
Journal article
Precision resonance energy scans with the PANDA experiment at FAIR: Sensitivity study for width and line shape measurements of the X(3872) (2019)
Barucca G, Davi F, Lancioni G, Mengucci P, Montalto L, Natali PP, Paone N, et al.
Journal article
Nuclear density-functional theory and fission of super-heavy elements (2018)
Reinhard PG
Journal article
Pairing and deformation effects in nuclear excitation spectra (2017)
Repko A, Kvasil J, Nesterenko VO, Reinhard PG
Journal article
Symmetry energy in nuclear density functional theory (2014)
Nazarewicz W, Reinhard PG, Satuła W, Vretenar D
Journal article
Toroidal, compression, and vortical dipole strengths in 144-154Sm: Skyrme-RPA exploration of the deformation effect (2013)
Kvasil J, Nesterenko VO, Kleinig W, Bozik D, Reinhard PG, Lo Iudice N
Journal article
Have superheavy elements been produced in nature? (2012)
Petermann I, Langanke K, Martínez-Pinedo G, Panov IV, Reinhard PG, Thielemann FK
Journal article
Properties of odd nuclei and the impact of time-odd mean fields: A systematic Skyrme-Hartree-Fock analysis (2010)
Pototzky KJ, Erler J, Reinhard PG, Nesterenko VO
Journal article
Study of the reaction γp → pπ0η (2008)
Horn I, Anisovich AV, Anton G, Bantes R, Bartholomy O, Beck R, Beloglazov Y, et al.
Journal article