Interface Focus
ISSN: 2042-8901
eISSN: 2042-8898
Publisher: The Royal Society
Publications (9)
Model-driven exploration of poro-viscoelasticity in human brain tissue: be careful with the parameters! (2024)
Greiner A, Reiter N, Hinrichsen J, Kainz MP, Sommer G, Holzapfel GA, Steinmann P, et al.
Journal article
Measuring the linear viscoelastic regime of MCF-7 cells with a monolayer rheometer in the presence of microtubule-active anti-cancer drugs at high concentrations (2022)
Lee S, Bashir KMI, Jung DH, Basu SK, Seo G, Cho MG, Wierschem A
Journal article
Universal structure motifs in biominerals: a lesson from nature for the efficient design of bioinspired functional materials (2017)
Harris J, Böhm C, Wolf S
Journal article, Review article
Purely entropic self-assembly of the bicontinuous Ia3d gyroid phase in equilibrium hard-pear systems (2017)
Schoenhoefer PWA, Ellison LJ, Marechal M, Cleaver DJ, Schroder-Turk GE
Journal article
Nitrosopersulfide (SSNO−) decomposes in the presence of sulfide, cyanide or glutathione to give HSNO/SNO−: Consequences for the assumed role in cell signalling (2017)
Ivanovic-Burmazovic I, Wedmann R, Filipovic M
Journal article, Original article
Separation of blood cells with differing deformability using deterministic lateral displacement (2014)
Holmes D, Whyte G, Bailey J, Vergara-Irigaray N, Ekpenyong A, Guck J, Duke T
Journal article
Impact of heating on passive and active biomechanics of suspended cells (2014)
Chan CJ, Whyte G, Boyde L, Salbreux G, Guck J
Journal article
The PredictAD project: Development of novel biomarkers and analysis software for early diagnosis of the Alzheimer's disease (2013)
Antila K, Lotjonen J, Thurfjell L, Laine J, Massimini M, Rueckert D, Zubarev RA, et al.
Journal article
Tensorial Minkowski functionals of triply periodic minimal surfaces (2012)
Mickel W, Schröder-Turk G, Mecke K
Journal article