Procedia Engineering
ISSN: 1877-7058
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Publications (37)
Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Forming Behavior of High Strain Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) Sheet Alloys (2017)
Klos A, Kahrimanidis A, Wortberg D, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Investigation of a process simulation method for flexible clamping of sheet metal parts (2017)
Bauer F, Werber A, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Towards virtual deformation dilatometry for the design of hot stamping process (2017)
Bambach M, Buhl J, Hart-Rawung T, Lechner M, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Investigation of the effect of directivity pulses on the seismic response of a curved RC bridge (2017)
Angelidakis V, Kardoutsou V, Psycharis I, Taflampas I
Conference contribution
Process-oriented validation of hardening models in a cyclic bending test (2017)
Rosenschon M, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Numerical and experimental investigation of dry deep drawing of aluminum alloys with conventional and coated tool surfaces (2017)
Tenner J, Andreas K, Radius A, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Analysis of fundamental dependencies between manufacturing and processing Tailored Blanks in sheet-bulk metal forming processes (2017)
Schulte RK, Hildenbrand P, Vogel M, Lechner M, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Metallographic Analysis of Nakajima Tests for the Evaluation of the Failure Developments (2017)
Affronti E, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Influence of Warm Bending on the Surface Topography of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V (2017)
Dubjella P, Merklein M
Journal article
Compression testing of martensitic stainless steel with superimposed ultrasonic vibration (2017)
Michalski M, Piott F, Merklein M
Journal article