Journal of Paleontology

Journal Abbreviation: J PALEONTOL
ISSN: 0022-3360
Publisher: Paleontological Society

Publications (18)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Jurassic Trigoniida (Bivalvia) from Gebel Maghara, northern Sinai, Egypt (2024) Ayoub-Hannaa WS, Cooper MR, Abdelhady AA, Fürsich F Journal article Miocene instead of Jurassic: The importance of sound fieldwork for paleontological data analysis - A reply (2024) Fürsich F, Bhosale S, Alberti M, Pandey DK Journal article Revision of Jurassic Protobranch Bivalves from Gebel Maghara, northern Sinai, Egypt (2023) Ayoub-Hannaa WS, Fürsich F, Abdelhady AA Journal article Miocene instead of Jurassic: the importance of sound fieldwork for paleontological data analysis (2023) Fürsich F, Bhosale S, Alberti M, Pandey DKK Journal article Bryozoans from the lower Silurian (Telychian) Hanchiatien Formation from southern Chongqing, South China (2021) Ernst A, Li QJ, Zhang M, Munnecke A Journal article The earliest example of sexual dimorphism in bivalves - Evidence from the astartid Nicaniella (Lower Jurassic, southern Germany) (2021) Karapunar B, Werner W, Fürsich F, Nützel A Journal article Costinuculana magharensis n. gen. n. sp (Bivalvia, Nuculanidae) from the Middle Jurassic of Gebel Maghara, North Sinai, Egypt (2017) Ayoub-Hannaa W, Abdelhady AA, Fürsich F Journal article, Original article A divergence dating analysis of turtles using fossil calibrations: An example of best practices (2013) Joyce WG, Parham JF, Lyson TR, Warnock RCM, Donoghue PCJ Journal article New crustacean microcoprolites of the Upper Triassic limestones of the Sambosan Accretionary Complex, Japan (2010) Senowbari-Daryan B, Chablais J, Martini R Journal article Stromatomorpha californica Smith: A distinctive Upper Triassic Pandemic shallow-water re-adapted Demosponge from America and the Tethys (2009) Senowbari-Daryan B, Stanley, Jr. GD Journal article