Behavioral Sciences

ISSN: 2076-328X
Publisher: MDPI

Publications (7)

Successful Pharmacologic Treatment of Self-Bloodletting with Factitious Chronic Anemia (Lasthénie de Ferjol Syndrome) with High-Dose Serotonergic Medication: A Case Report (2024) Mestermann S, Rudtke L, Brazdis RM, Tsaktanis T, Kornhuber J, Thürauf N Journal article The Father’s Part: A Pilot Evaluation of a Father-Centered Family Intervention Group in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2024) Mestermann S, Kleinöder J, Arndt M, Krämer J, Eichler A, Kratz O Journal article A Four-Item Questionnaire to Measure Problematic Social Media Use: The Social Media Disorder Test (2023) Wartberg L, Spindler C, Berber S, Potzel K, Kammerl R Journal article, Original article The Big Five Personality Domains and Their Facets: Empirical Relations to Problematic Use of Video Games, Social Media and Alcohol (2023) Wartberg L, Potzel K, Spindler C, Kammerl R Journal article Mirror Therapy in Patients with Somatoform Pain Disorders—A Pilot Study (2023) Ruf SP, Hetterich L, Mazurak N, Rometsch C, Jurjut AM, Ott S, Herrmann-Werner A, et al. Journal article Heart Rate as a Correlate for the Emotional Processing of Body Stimuli in Anorexia Nervosa (2023) Horndasch S, Sharon E, Eichler A, Graap H, Moll G, Kratz O Journal article Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction in Active Travel to Different Destinations: A Cluster Analysis with Adolescents Living in Germany (2023) Renninger D, Bachner J, García-Massó X, Molina-García J, Reimers AK, Marzi I, Beck F, Demetriou Y Journal article