Documenta Ophthalmologica

Journal Abbreviation: DOC OPHTHALMOL
ISSN: 0012-4486
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Publications (26)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Towards an electroretinographic assay for studying colour vision in human observers (2016) Kremers J, Bhatt D Journal article A method for estimating intrinsic noise in electroretinographic (ERG) signals (2015) Zele AJ, Feigl B, Kambhampati PK, Hathibelagal AR, Kremers J Journal article Human flicker electroretinography using different temporal modulations at mesopic and photopic luminance levels (2014) Nagy BV, Salgueiro Barboni MT, Gomes Martins CM, Da Costa MF, Kremers J, Ventura DF Journal article Functional Protective Effects of Long-Term Memantine Treatment in the DBA/2J Mouse. (2013) Atorf J, Scholz M, Garreis F, Lehmann J, Bräuer L, Kremers J Journal article On- and off-response ERGs elicited by sawtooth stimuli in normal subjects and glaucoma patients (2012) Pangeni G, Lämmer R, Tornow RP, Horn F, Kremers J Journal article, Original article Spectral characteristics of the PhNR in the full-field flash electroretinogram of normals and glaucoma patients (2012) Kremers J, Jertila M, Link B, Pangeni G, Horn F Journal article On and off responses of the photopic fullfield ERG in normal subjects and glaucoma patients (2011) Horn F, Gottschalk K, Mardin CY, Pangeni G, Jünemann A, Kremers J Journal article, Original article Retinal disorders in northern Brazilian patients treated with chloroquine assessed by multifocal ERG (2011) Raster M, Horn F, Jünemann A, Rosa AAM, Souza GS, Gomes BD, Lima MG, et al. Journal article Objective visual field determination in forensic ophthalmology with an optimized 4-channel multifocal VEP perimetry system: a case report of a patient with retinitis pigmentosa (2011) Kaltwasser C, Horn F, Kremers J, Jünemann A, Bergua A Journal article Absence of ocular interaction in flicker ERG responses reflecting cone opponent and luminance signals (2010) Salgueiro Barboni MT, Ventura DF, Kremers J Journal article
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