Nature Chemistry

Journal Abbreviation: NAT CHEM
ISSN: 1755-4330
eISSN: 1755-4349
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group

Publications (31)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Determining the nature of quantum resonances by probing elastic and reactive scattering in cold collisions (2021) Paliwal P, Deb N, Reich DM, Van Der Avoird A, Koch C, Narevicius E Journal article Shortwave infrared polymethine fluorophores matched to excitation lasers enable non-invasive, multicolour in vivo imaging in real time (2020) Cosco ED, Spearman AL, Ramakrishnan S, Lingg JGP, Saccomano M, Pengshung M, Arus BA, et al. Journal article On-water surface synthesis of crystalline, few-layer two-dimensional polymers assisted by surfactant monolayers (2019) Liu K, Qi H, Dong R, Shivhare R, Addicoat M, Zhang T, Sahabudeen H, et al. Journal article Ultra-fast intramolecular singlet fission to persistent multiexcitons by molecular design (2019) Pun AB, Asadpoordarvish A, Kumarasamy E, Tayebjee MJY, Niesner D, Mccamey DR, Sanders SN, et al. Journal article Charting a course for chemistry (2019) Aspuru-Guzik A, Baik MH, Balasubramanian S, Banerjee R, Bart S, Borduas-Dedekind N, Chang S, et al. Journal article Hierarchical organization of perylene bisimides and polyoxometalates for photo-assisted water oxidation (2019) Bonchio M, Syrgiannis Z, Burian M, Marino N, Pizzolato E, Dirian K, Rigodanza F, et al. Journal article Cavitation energies can outperform dispersion interactions (2018) He S, Biedermann F, Vankova N, Zhechkov L, Heine T, Hoffman RE, De Simone A, et al. Journal article The energy-transfer-enabled biocompatible disulfide–ene reaction (2018) Teders M, Henkel C, Anhaeuser L, Strieth-Kalthoff F, Gomez-Suarez A, Kleinmans R, Kahnt A, et al. Journal article The role of uranium-arene bonding in H2O reduction catalysis (2018) Halter D, Heinemann FW, Maron L, Meyer K Journal article Gallium-rich Pd-Ga phases as supported liquid metal catalysts (2017) Taccardi N, Grabau M, Debuschewitz J, Distaso M, Brandl M, Hock R, Maier F, et al. Journal article
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