Chemie Ingenieur Technik

Journal Abbreviation: CHEM-ING-TECH
ISSN: 0009-286X
eISSN: 1522-2640
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag

Publications (173)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Micrometre-Sized Porous Polymer Beads as Heterogeneous Molecular Catalysts (2023) Stammler MB, Bauer A, Alkhurisi MH, Gigl F, Wisser FM Journal article "Green'' Particle Technology? (2022) Peukert W, Bück A Other publication type Highly Selective Synthesis of Methanol from Glucose in a Two‐Step Process (2022) Haagen V, Schörner M, Albert J, Franken T, Schühle P Journal article Synthesis and Red/Ox Reversibility of a Novel Copper‐Iron‐Aluminum Spinel Precursor for Low‐Temperature Water‐Gas‐Shift Reaction (2022) Heinlein M, Franken T Journal article Formulation of Nanostructured Heteroaggregates by Fluidization Technologies (2022) Men J, Kolan SR, Massomi A, Hoffmann T, Schmidt J, Tsotsas E, Bück A Journal article Synthesis and Catalytic Performance of Aluminium-containing Mesoporous, Spherical Silica Particles (2021) Weissenberger T, Machoke A, Kolle JM, Avadhut Y, Hartmann M, Schwieger W Journal article Reliability of Thermal Energy Storage Technologies (2021) Weishaupt D, Müller K Journal article Utilization of Hemicelluloses as Example for Holistic Recovery of Agricultural Residues (2020) Jahn A, Thummler K, Gebke S, Kahl M, Aubel I, Fischer S, Bertau M Journal article Lignin from Annual Plants as Raw Material Source for Flavors and Basic Chemicals (2020) Jahn A, Hoffmann A, Blaesing L, Kunde F, Bertau M, Bremer M, Fischer S Journal article Recent Advances in Experimental Techniques for Flow and Mass Transfer Analyses in Thermal Separation Systems (2020) Hampel U, Schubert M, Doess A, Sohr J, Vishwakarma V, Repke JU, Gerke SJ, et al. Journal article, Review article