Journal Abbreviation: BIOTECHNIQUES
ISSN: 0736-6205
Publisher: Eaton Publishing
Publications (6)
DNA extraction from clotted blood in genotyping quality (2023)
Stanzick KJ, Simon J, Zimmermann ME, Schachtner M, Peterhoff D, Niller HH, Überla K, et al.
Journal article
Effective strategies for isolating DNA from members of Asteraceae with high concentrations of secondary metabolites (2022)
Bailey DW, Attia Z, Reinert S, Hulke BS, Kane NC
Journal article
Aflatoxin-specific monoclonal antibody selection for immunoaffinity column development (2019)
Ertekin Ö, Kaymak T, Pirinçci ŞŞ, Akçael E, Öztürk S
Journal article
Evaluation of a home-made SYBR® Green I reaction mixture for real-time PCR quantification of gene expression (2002)
Karsai A, Müller S, Platz S, Hauser MT
Journal article
Detection of fluorescence dye-labeled proteins in 2-D gels using an Arthur 1442 Multiwavelength Fluoroimager (2001)
Burkovski A
Journal article, Original article
Nonradioactive labeling of large DNA fragments for genome walking, RFLP and northern blot analysis (1999)
Adhami F, Müller S, Hauser MT
Journal article