Journal Abbreviation: GEOLOGY
ISSN: 0091-7613
Publisher: Geological Society of America
Publications (27)
Climatic ups and downs in a disturbed Jurassic world (2011)
Dera G, Brigaud B, Monna F, Laffont R, Puceat E, Deconinck JF, Pellenard P, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Did intense volcanism trigger the first Ordovician icehouse? (2010)
Buggisch W, Joachimski M, Lehnert O, Bergström SM, Repetski JE, Webers GF
Journal article, Original article
Water in enstatite from Mid-Atlantic Ridge peridotite: Evidence for the water content of suboceanic mantle? (2009)
Schmädicke E
Journal article, Original article
The record of climate-driven morphological changes in 376 Ma old Devonian fossils (2008)
Balter V, Renaud S, Girard C, Joachimski M
Journal article
Coralline red algae as high-resolution climate recorders (2008)
Halfar J, Steneck RS, Joachimski M, Kronz A, Wanamaker AD
Journal article
Faunal evidence for reduced productivity and uncoordinated recovery in Southern Hemisphere Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary sections (2007)
Kießling W
Journal article
Constraints on Pennsylvanian glacioeustatic sea-level changes using oxygen isotopes of conodont apatite (2006)
Buggisch W, von Bitter P, Joachimski M
Journal article, Original article
Nb-depleted andesites from the Pacific-Antarctic Rise as analogues for early continental crust. (2005)
Haase K, Stroncik N, Hékinian R, Stoffers P
Journal article, Original article
230Th-238U disequilibrium in East Scotia back-arc basalts: implications for slab contributions (2003)
Fretzdorff S, Haase K, Leat P, Livermore R, Garbe-Schönberg D, Fietzke J, Stoffers P
Journal article, Original article
Limestone-marl alternations: A warm-water phenomenon? (2003)
Westphal H, Munnecke A
Journal article, Original article