South African Journal of Geology
Journal Abbreviation: S AFR J GEOL
ISSN: 1012-0750
Publisher: Geological Society of South Africa
Publications (3)
Okorusu tailings – Part II: REE mineralisation, and oxygen and carbon isotope variations (2023)
Lohmeier S, Machleidt J, Klemd R, Ellmies R
Journal article
Origin of discordant ultramafic pegmatites in the Bushveld Complex from externally-derived magmas (2018)
Cawthorn G, Latypov R, Klemd R, Vuthuza A
Journal article
Platinum-group element concentrations in base-metal sulphides from the Platreef, Mogalakwena Platinum Mine, Bushveld Complex, South Africa (2016)
Klemd R, Junge M, Oberthür T, Herderich T, Schouwstra RP, Roberts J
Journal article