IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
ISSN: 1757-8981
eISSN: 1757-899X
Publisher: IOP Publishing: Conference Series
Publications (42)
Investigation on the limp properties of formed foils for hydrogen applications (2024)
Wituschek S, Römisch D, Lechner M, Merklein M
Journal article
Development of a novel forming tool for the production of high-strength aluminum components with tailored properties (2024)
Rigas N, Merklein M
Journal article
Carburization behavior at elevated temperatures and mechanical properties of a hot stamped complex phase steel (2023)
Risse JH, Sippel F, Merklein M
Journal article
Development of a novel in-situ measurement method for thermo-mechanically coupled material characterization of high-strength aluminum alloys (2023)
Rigas N, Garcin T, Kuball CM, Merklein M
Journal article, Online publication
Mechanical and geometrical characterisation of tumbling self-piercing riveting joints in multi-material-systems (2022)
Wituschek S, Lechner M
Journal article
Investigation of the tensile response and the microstructural evolution during hot drawing of multi-layered, ultrafine-grained AA6014 sheets by thermomechanical analyzes (2022)
Zettl B, Merklein M
Journal article, Online publication
Analysis of Distributed-Ledger-Technology for the Exchange of Design, Production and Simulation Data in Roll Forming (2022)
Kohl B, Krueger M, Dietl T, Lechner M, Trunzer E, Merklein M, Sedlmaier A, Vogel-Heuser B
Conference contribution
Influence of the forming process on springback (2022)
Durmaz U, Heibel S, Schweiker T, Prabhakar A, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Evaluation of testing methods for the characterization of material properties under plane strain (2022)
Lenzen M, Merklein M
Conference contribution
Bending behavior of a hot stamped complex phase steel with tailored properties by local carburization (2021)
Horn A, Merklein M
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution