ISSN: 2076-3263
Publisher: MDPI
Publications (13)
Influence of Groundwater on the Very Shallow Geothermal Potential (vSGP) in the Area of a Large-Scale Geothermal Collector System (LSC) (2023)
Rammler M, Zeh R, Bertermann D
Journal article
Suitability of Screened Monitoring Wells for Temperature Measurements Regarding Large-Scale Geothermal Collector Systems (2022)
Bertermann D, Rammler M
Journal article
Calculating energy and its spatial distribution for a subsurface urban heat island using a GIS-approach (2021)
Schweighofer J, Wehrl M, Baumgärtel S, Rohn J
Journal article
Uncertainty Assessment of Ice Discharge Using GPR-Derived Ice Thickness from Gourdon Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula (2020)
Lippl S, Blindow N, Fürst J, Marinsek S, Seehaus T, Braun M
Journal article
Impact of extreme weather events on aboveground net primary productivity and sheep production in the magellan region, southernmost chilean patagonia (2020)
Soto-Rogel P, Aravena JC, Meier W, Gross P, Pérez C, González-Reyes Á, Grießinger J
Journal article
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Glacier Surface Velocities and Outlet Areas on James Ross Island, Northern Antarctic Peninsula. (2019)
Lippl S, Friedl P, Kittel C, Marinsek S, Seehaus T, Braun M
Journal article, Online publication
The potential of low-cost UAVs and open-source photogrammetry software for high-resolution monitoring of alpine glaciers: A case study from the kanderfirn (Swiss Alps) (2019)
Groos AR, Bertschinger T, Kummer C, Erlwein S, Munz L, Philipp A
Journal article
Late Holocene Glacial Fluctuations of Schiaparelli Glacier at Monte Sarmiento Massif, Tierra del Fuego (54 degrees 24 ' S) (2019)
Meier W, Aravena JC, Grießinger J, Hochreuther P, Soto-Rogel P, Zhu H, De Pol-Holz R, et al.
Journal article
Evaluation of Different Pooling Methods to Establish a Multi-Century delta O-18 Chronology for Paleoclimate Reconstruction (2019)
Foroozan Z, Grießinger J, Pourtahmasi K, Bräuning A
Journal article
Character, rates, and environmental significance of holocene dust accumulation in archaeological hilltop ruins in the southern levant (2019)
Lucke B, Roskin J, Vanselow K, Bruins HJ, Abu-Jaber N, Deckers K, Lindauer S, et al.
Journal article