Frontiers in Pediatrics

Journal Abbreviation: Front Pediatr
ISSN: 2296-2360
Publisher: Frontiers Media

Publications (41)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Pediatric kidney transplantation in Europe, a clinical snapshot pilot () Oomen L, Bootsma-Robroeks CM, Bouts AH, Carbonell Pradas M, Gander R, Kienzl-Wagner K, König P, et al. Journal article Structural and functional fetal cardiac imaging using low field (0.55 T) MRI (2024) Zhang CY, Cleri M, Woodgate T, Ramirez Gilliland P, Bansal S, Aviles Verdera J, Uus AU, et al. Journal article Centralization as the key survival benefit in acute neonatal surgery (2024) Besendörfer M, Günster S, Linz K, Reutter HM, Diez S Journal article First postnatal lactate blood levels on day 1 and outcome of preterm infants with gestational age <29 weeks (2024) Zipf S, Fortmann I, Härtel C, Andres O, Frieauff E, Paul P, Häfke A, et al. Journal article The impact of early surgical ventricular septal defect repair on parenting behavior and mother-child relationship: a prospective longitudinal study (2024) Hemetsberger J, Mestermann S, Nicol H, Purbojo A, Cesnjevar RA, Kratz O, Eichler A, Gerlach J Journal article Premature birth associated with a favorable course in gestational alloimmune liver disease (GALD): A case report (2023) Mulzer LM, Reutter HM, Jüngert JM, Knisely AS, Schmid M, Hörning A, Morhart P Journal article Radial head and neck fractures in children and adolescents (2023) Kalbitz M, Lackner I, Perl M, Preßmar J Journal article, Original article Blood glucose forecasting from temporal and static information in children with T1D (2023) Marx A, Di Stefano F, Leutheuser H, Chin-Cheong K, Pfister M, Burckhardt MA, Bachmann S, Vogt JE Journal article High-sensitive cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) concentrations in newborns diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (2023) Johannsen J, Weiss D, Driemeyer J, Olfe J, Stute F, Müller F, Schütt M, et al. Journal article Frequency and impact of enteric hyperoxaluria in pediatric short bowel syndrome: a retrospective single centre study (2023) Schaefer JT, Schulz-Heise S, Rueckel A, Rauh M, Jüngert J, Galiano M, Meier N, et al. Journal article