Simulation of Invasive Applications and Invasive Architectures (C02) (TRR 89)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: TRR 89

Start date : 01.07.2010

End date : 30.06.2014


Overall project details

Overall project

DFG SFB/Transregio 89 "Invasive Computing" (TRR 89) July 1, 2010 - Dec. 31, 2022

Overall project speaker:

Project details

Short description

In the first funding phase, Project C2 developed both techniques and the framework InvadeSIM for the timed functional simulation of invasive resource-aware programs on heterogeneous tiled architectures. This enabled us to gain important insights into the concepts of invasive computing across different platform layers, i.e., modelling of different heterogeneous tiled architectures, invasion strategies (solving of constraint satisfaction problems by agents), and resource-aware application programming. Based on this foundation, in the second funding phase, the main focus of Project C2 is the systematic co-exploration across all these platform layers. Investigated is the systematic co-exploration of optimal architecture configurations and invasion strategies fitting best a given mix of resource-aware applications. The research includes (a) design space exploration techniques based on (semi-)simulative and probabilistic methods, (b) the classification of invasive applications into parallel computing patterns, and (c) modelling the dynamic behaviour of invasive applications.

Scientific Abstract

Durch Erforschung neuer Simulationsmethoden trägt Teilprojekt C2 zur Validierung und Variantenexploration  aller wichtigen Aspekte Invasiven Rechnens in einem frühen Projektstadium bei. Die beiden Forschungsschwerpunkte sind: (a) Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Verhaltenssimulation von ressourcengewahren invasiven Programmen und (b) Simulation von invasiven Architekturen in einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz. Um die Komplexität und Vielfalt dieser Architekturen als auch diverse invasive Programmier-, Ressourcenverwaltungs- und Invasionsstrategien beherrschbar zu machen, werden neue Methoden zur Modularisierung und Orthogonalisierung der Explorationsaspekte erforscht.


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