A Fock space structure for the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space of loop quantum gravity and its applications

Sahlmann H, Sherif W (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 40

Article Number: 225002

Journal Issue: 22

DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/acfb6f


Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is a quantization program for gravity based on the principles of QFT and general covariance of general relativity. Quantum states of LQG describe gravitational excitations based on graphs embedded in a spatial slice of spacetime. We show that, under certain assumptions on the class of diffeomorphisms, the space of diffeomorphism invariant states carries a Fock space structure. The role of one-particle excitations for this structure is played by the diffeomorphism invariant states based on graphs with a single (linked) component. This means, however, that a lot of the structure of the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space remains unresolved by this structure. We show how the Fock structure allows to write at least some condensate states of group field theory as diffeomorphism invariant coherent states of LQG in a precise sense. We also show how to construct other interesting states using this Fock structure. We finally explore the quantum geometry of single- and multi-particle states and tentatively observe some resemblance to geometries with a single or multiple components, respectively.

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How to cite


Sahlmann, H., & Sherif, W. (2023). A Fock space structure for the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space of loop quantum gravity and its applications. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 40(22). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6382/acfb6f


Sahlmann, Hanno, and Waleed Sherif. "A Fock space structure for the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space of loop quantum gravity and its applications." Classical and Quantum Gravity 40.22 (2023).

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