Tracing Individual Experiences of Everyday Greenness: Initial Results from the SpaceLog Mobile App

Kremer D, Neuner A, Jelinski S, Stadlmeier A, Schlieder C, Walker B (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 11

Pages Range: 47-58

Journal Issue: 2

DOI: 10.1553/giscience2023_02_s47


In this paper, we introduce a conceptual shift in how to investigate visual greenness as an important factor for individual wellbeing and self-reported health in everyday mobilities. Making use of controlled vocabularies of emotions, we discuss earlier approaches to data collection in everyday environments. We developed a new mobile diary app to collect multi-modal data that would allow not only for statistical spatial analysis, but also for a deeper analysis of individual sense-making of experiences in specific locations. From a limited first test sample, we evaluated the added value of the data collection process by conducting explorative data analyses of the visual greenness in user-generated imagery. We found that, in general, our method is able to relate different types of greenness observed on site to different emotional tags.

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How to cite


Kremer, D., Neuner, A., Jelinski, S., Stadlmeier, A., Schlieder, C., & Walker, B. (2023). Tracing Individual Experiences of Everyday Greenness: Initial Results from the SpaceLog Mobile App. GI_Forum, 11(2), 47-58.


Kremer, Dominik, et al. "Tracing Individual Experiences of Everyday Greenness: Initial Results from the SpaceLog Mobile App." GI_Forum 11.2 (2023): 47-58.

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