Der Leib, der Leiden schafft. Sprache, Leib und Ethik in der Transspezies-Kommunikation

Schneider A (2022)

Publication Language: German

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2022

Publisher: Springer VS

Edited Volumes: Körper – Leib – Sozialität. Philosophische Anthropologie und Leibphänomenologie: Helmuth Plessner und Hermann Schmitz im Dialog

Series: Vital Turn: Leib, Körper, Emotionen

City/Town: Wiesbaden

Pages Range: 349-368

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-34599-0_14


Emotional being or some kind of machine? The question about the status of nonhuman animals and their distinction from humans has been extensively discussed in the literature. Plessner and Schmitz, for example, often propose a differentiation between the human and animal; however, their published work also includes animals in their concept of the body. In these cases, the animal is distinguished by its centred positionality from the eccentric positionality of the human, whereas it still contains the capability to suffer through its inherent corporality. This corporal suffering is one of the influential arguments in the discussion regarding the moral status of nonhuman animals and transspecies ethics. The body and its ability to express itself enable further communication between humans and animals. In doing so, it raises a question whether the interaction between both is limited to separate bodies or could go as far as creating a shared corporality, thereby following Schmitz’s concept of embodiment. The article discusses this question within the context of related theoretical concepts, such as “Du-Evidenz” (Bühler, Geiger), “becoming animal” (Deleuze/Guattari), and “becoming with animal” (Haraway).

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How to cite


Schneider, A. (2022). Der Leib, der Leiden schafft. Sprache, Leib und Ethik in der Transspezies-Kommunikation. In Bosch, Aida, Joachim Fischer, Gugutzer, Robert (Hrg.), Körper – Leib – Sozialität. Philosophische Anthropologie und Leibphänomenologie: Helmuth Plessner und Hermann Schmitz im Dialog. (S. 349-368). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.


Schneider, Anna. "Der Leib, der Leiden schafft. Sprache, Leib und Ethik in der Transspezies-Kommunikation." Körper – Leib – Sozialität. Philosophische Anthropologie und Leibphänomenologie: Helmuth Plessner und Hermann Schmitz im Dialog. Hrg. Bosch, Aida, Joachim Fischer, Gugutzer, Robert, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2022. 349-368.

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