Gap bridging in joining of glass using ultra short laser pulses

Cvecek K, Odato R, Dehmel S, Miyamoto I, Schmidt M (2015)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2015


Book Volume: 23

Pages Range: 5681-5693

Journal Issue: 5

DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.005681


Glass welding by ultra-short laser pulses provides hermetic welding seams with high mechanical stability. The required distance between the samples must be extremely small (<100nm), otherwise cracks will form inside the seam reducing its stability. However, to achieve such small gaps the roughness of the samples must be small enough necessitating additional polishing. Additionally, Van-der-Waals forces grow substantial at such distances thereby effectively preventing sample movement and an easy and precise sample alignment. Here we present a method utilizing ultra-short laser pulses which exploits a volume expansion of irradiated glass enabling the joining of glass plates across gaps of up to 1μm.

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How to cite


Cvecek, K., Odato, R., Dehmel, S., Miyamoto, I., & Schmidt, M. (2015). Gap bridging in joining of glass using ultra short laser pulses. Optics Express, 23(5), 5681-5693.


Cvecek, Kristian, et al. "Gap bridging in joining of glass using ultra short laser pulses." Optics Express 23.5 (2015): 5681-5693.

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