Tracial approximate divisibility and stable rank one

Fu X, Li K, Lin H (2022)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2022


DOI: 10.1112/jlms.12654


In this paper, we show that every separable simple tracially approximately divisible (Formula presented.) -algebra has strict comparison, and it is either purely infinite or has stable rank one. As a consequence, we show that every (non-unital) finite simple (Formula presented.) -stable (Formula presented.) -algebra has stable rank one.

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How to cite


Fu, X., Li, K., & Lin, H. (2022). Tracial approximate divisibility and stable rank one. Journal of the London Mathematical Society-Second Series.


Fu, Xuanlong, Kang Li, and Huaxin Lin. "Tracial approximate divisibility and stable rank one." Journal of the London Mathematical Society-Second Series (2022).

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