A Case Study on interactive wordless picture books and their potentials within a multilinguistic classroom

Conrad M, Michalak M, Winter E (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2021


Book Volume: 5

Pages Range: 7-32

DOI: 10.7203/JLE.5.20811


The innovative wordless picture book “Was ist denn hier passiert?” (What happened here?) illustrated by Neuhaus and Penzek (2015) offers a new form of multimodal storytelling by causally linking its pictures to an animated film via a QR code, thus switching from picture book to animated film convention. This example combines literary considerations on multimodal wordless picture books with considerations on the possibilities and limits of multimodal storytelling, literature didactics and media didactics. The use of this innovative book is particularly interesting from the perspective of migration-related linguistically and culturally heterogeneous learning groups. We are interested in how the book can be used for literary-aesthetic and linguistic promotion within heterogeneous classes. The article presents selected results of an explorative study with primary school pupils with and without German as a second language. The pupils were videographed in groups during the reception process of the multimodal wordless picture book. The evaluation was carried out with a qualitative content analysis according to Mayring (2010). In addition to the different ways of accessing the picture book, the influence of the subsequent change of media, the change of genre, the follow-up communication as well as the multilingual access of the pupils on the reception is examined. It turns out that it is not the children's linguistic, but primarily their media experiences that influence their interaction with multimodal narrative wordless picture books. Here, above all, the change of media plays a decisive role. Based on these initial analysis results, the potentials and challenges of dealing with multimodal wordless picture books for use in heterogeneous classes in an inclusive learning environment are put up for discussion.

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How to cite


Conrad, M., Michalak, M., & Winter, E. (2021). A Case Study on interactive wordless picture books and their potentials within a multilinguistic classroom. Journal of Literary Education, 5, 7-32. https://doi.org/10.7203/JLE.5.20811


Conrad, Maren, Magdalena Michalak, and Evelina Winter. "A Case Study on interactive wordless picture books and their potentials within a multilinguistic classroom." Journal of Literary Education 5 (2021): 7-32.

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