Multi-modal characterization of collagen fibril orientation in human cortical bone by a combination of quantitative polarized Raman spectroscopy, nanoscale X-ray computed tomography and 360° electron tomography

Kormilina T, Englisch S, Kochetkova T, Drobek D, Wirth J, Apeleo Zubiri B, Schwiedrzik J, Spiecker E (2021)

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2021


Original Authors: Tatiana Kormilina, Silvan Englisch, Tatiana Kochetkova, Dominik Drobek, Janis Wirth, Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri, Jakob Schwiedrzik, Erdmann Spiecker

Book Volume: 27

Pages Range: 96-101

Issue: S1

DOI: 10.1017/S1431927621000970

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How to cite


Kormilina, T., Englisch, S., Kochetkova, T., Drobek, D., Wirth, J., Apeleo Zubiri, B.,... Spiecker, E. (2021). Multi-modal characterization of collagen fibril orientation in human cortical bone by a combination of quantitative polarized Raman spectroscopy, nanoscale X-ray computed tomography and 360° electron tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27, 96-101.


Kormilina, Tatiana, et al. "Multi-modal characterization of collagen fibril orientation in human cortical bone by a combination of quantitative polarized Raman spectroscopy, nanoscale X-ray computed tomography and 360° electron tomography." Microscopy and Microanalysis 27 (2021): 96-101.

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