Performance and optimization of amplify-and-forward cooperative diversity systems in generic noise and interference

Nasri A, Schober R, Blake IF (2011)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2011


Book Volume: 10

Pages Range: 1132-1143

Article Number: 5703197

Journal Issue: 4

DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2011.012411.100005


Cooperative diversity systems have received significant attention recently as a distributed means of exploiting the inherent spatial diversity of wireless networks. In this paper, we consider a cooperative diversity system consisting of a source, a destination, and multiple single-hop amplify-and-forward relays, and provide a mathematical framework for the asymptotic analysis of this system in generic noise and interference for high signal-to-noise ratios. Assuming independent Rayleigh fading for all links in the network and orthogonal relay-destination channels, we obtain simple and elegant closed-form expressions for the asymptotic symbol and bit error rates valid for arbitrary linear modulation formats, arbitrary numbers of relays, and arbitrary types of noise and interference with finite moments including co-channel interference, ultra-wideband interference, impulsive ∈-mixture noise, generalized Gaussian noise, and Gaussian noise. Furthermore, we exploit the derived analytical error rate expressions to develop power allocation, relay selection, and relay placement schemes that are asymptotically optimal in environments with generic noise and interference. In general, the power allocation problem results in a geometric program which can be solved efficiently numerically. For the special case of only one relay, we provide a closed-form result for the optimal power allocation. Simulation results confirm our analysis and illustrate that, in non-Gaussian noise, the proposed power allocation, relay selection, and relay placement schemes lead to large performance gains compared to their conventional counterparts optimized for Gaussian noise. © 2011 IEEE.

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How to cite


Nasri, A., Schober, R., & Blake, I.F. (2011). Performance and optimization of amplify-and-forward cooperative diversity systems in generic noise and interference. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 10(4), 1132-1143.


Nasri, Amir, Robert Schober, and Ian F. Blake. "Performance and optimization of amplify-and-forward cooperative diversity systems in generic noise and interference." IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.4 (2011): 1132-1143.

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