Algae, calcitarchs and the Late Ordovician Baltic limestone facies of the Baltic Basin

Kröger B, Penny A, Shen Y, Munnecke A (2020)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2020


Book Volume: 66

Article Number: 1

Journal Issue: 1

DOI: 10.1007/s10347-019-0585-0


The Late Ordovician succession of the Baltic Basin contains a characteristic fine-grained limestone, which is rich in calcareous green algae. This limestone occurs in surface outcrops and drill-cores in an extensive belt reaching from Sweden across the Baltic Sea to the Baltic countries. This limestone, which is known in the literature under several different lithological names, is described and interpreted, and the term “Baltic limestone facies” is suggested. The microfacies, from selected outcrops from the Åland Islands, Finland and Estonia, consists of calcareous green algae as the main skeletal component in a bioclastic mudstone-packstone lithology with a pure micritic matrix. Three types of calcitarch, which range in diameter from c. 100–180 μm, are common. Basinward, the youngest sections of the facies belt contain coral-stromatoporoid patch reefs and Palaeoporella-algal mounds. The Baltic limestone facies can be interpreted as representing the shallow part of an open-marine low-latitude carbonate platform.

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How to cite


Kröger, B., Penny, A., Shen, Y., & Munnecke, A. (2020). Algae, calcitarchs and the Late Ordovician Baltic limestone facies of the Baltic Basin. Facies, 66(1).


Kröger, Björn, et al. "Algae, calcitarchs and the Late Ordovician Baltic limestone facies of the Baltic Basin." Facies 66.1 (2020).

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