Crystal precipitation and dissolution in a porous medium: Evolving microstructure and perforated solid matrix

Schulz R (2019)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2019


Book Volume: 10

Pages Range: 305-321

Journal Issue: 4

DOI: 10.1615/SpecialTopicsRevPorousMedia.2019029274


In this article, we derive an upscaled model for crystal precipitation and dissolution in a saturated porous medium with a perforated solid matrix. We model the solid matrix itself at the pore scale as a porous medium. Hence, we consider at the pore scale a Darcy-Stokes system, where the Beavers-Joseph boundary condition is proposed at the corresponding interface. By asymptotic expansions we derive an upscaled model describing the process via Darcy's law, a transport equation, and corresponding effective coefficients given by the evolution of the microstructure. Weak solvability of the upscaled model is also investigated.

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How to cite


Schulz, R. (2019). Crystal precipitation and dissolution in a porous medium: Evolving microstructure and perforated solid matrix. Special Topics and Reviews in Porous Media, 10(4), 305-321.


Schulz, Raphael. "Crystal precipitation and dissolution in a porous medium: Evolving microstructure and perforated solid matrix." Special Topics and Reviews in Porous Media 10.4 (2019): 305-321.

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