Die EU-Beschäftigungslücken im Spiegel von Erwerbstätigenquoten

Klös HP, Schnabel C (2002)

Publication Language: German

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2002


Publisher: Lucius & Lucius / DeGruyter

Book Volume: 222

Pages Range: 80-97

Journal Issue: 1


An analysis of European employment deficits using employment-population ratios shows that there exist unexhausted employment potentials in many EU countries, in particular for older employees, but also for women and in the service sector. If the EU-15 were to match the U.S. employment-population ratio, an additional 34 million people could be in work. The new EU target employment-population ratio of 70 percent would imply the creation of 23 million jobs, which also seems ambitious. While some EU members have reached this target, employment-population ratios vary considerably between EU countries, so that an uniform EU employment policy is not advisable.

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How to cite


Klös, H.-P., & Schnabel, C. (2002). Die EU-Beschäftigungslücken im Spiegel von Erwerbstätigenquoten. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 222(1), 80-97.


Klös, Hans-Peter, und Claus Schnabel. "Die EU-Beschäftigungslücken im Spiegel von Erwerbstätigenquoten." Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 222.1 (2002): 80-97.

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