Estimation of the total hydrocarbon concentration in the soil of a former petrochemical site: Methodological study

de Fouquet C, Prechtel A, Setier JC (2004)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article, Original article

Publication year: 2004



Book Volume: 59

Pages Range: 275-295

Journal Issue: 3

DOI: 10.2516/ogst:2004020


The exploratory variographic analysis of the total hydrocarbon concentration measurements in the soil of a former petrochemical implant, highlights the heterogeneity of the pollution. The bimodality on the histogram indicates the presence of two classes of concentration, which represent different spatial structures. We show how a detailed examination of the data can reveal, for example, a local backfill. Cross validation, allowing to compare measured and estimated concentration values at sampling points, is used to show that taking into account this spatial heterogeneity is necessary to improve the estimation. It also makes it possible to evaluate uncertainties, in particular on the estimation of high concentrations. Considering the case of a punctual selection, we compare at different threshold, estimated and effective recovering reserves (quantity of pollutant, mean concentration upon threshold). The consequences of selection errors due to the selection on estimators instead on true values are quantified, in relation with the model of the spatial structure. A rigorous and efficient method to calculate the probability that the concentration exceeds a given threshold, and the quantiles of the local distribution, is presented.

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How to cite


de Fouquet, C., Prechtel, A., & Setier, J.-C. (2004). Estimation of the total hydrocarbon concentration in the soil of a former petrochemical site: Methodological study. Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue De L Institut Francais Du Petrole, 59(3), 275-295.


de Fouquet, Chantal, Alexander Prechtel, and Jean-Claude Setier. "Estimation of the total hydrocarbon concentration in the soil of a former petrochemical site: Methodological study." Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue De L Institut Francais Du Petrole 59.3 (2004): 275-295.

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