Estimation of frequency conversion efficiency of THz devices using a ballistic electron wave swing circuit model

Schildbach C, Ong DS, Hartnagel H, Schmidt LP (2016)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2016


Publisher: Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access

Book Volume: 31

Pages Range: 065003

Journal Issue: 6

DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/31/6/065003


The ballistic electron wave swing device has previously been presented as a possible candidate for a simple power conversion technique to the THz -domain. This paper gives a simulative estimation of the power conversion efficiency. The harmonic balance simulations use an equivalent circuit model, which is also derived in this work from a mechanical model. To verify the validity of the circuit model, current waveforms are compared to Monte Carlo simulations of identical setups. Model parameters are given for a wide range of device configurations. The device configuration exhibiting the most conforming waveform is used further for determining the best conversion efficiency. The corresponding simulation setup is described. Simulation results implying a conversion efficiency of about 22% are presented.

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How to cite


Schildbach, C., Ong, D.S., Hartnagel, H., & Schmidt, L.-P. (2016). Estimation of frequency conversion efficiency of THz devices using a ballistic electron wave swing circuit model. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 31(6), 065003.


Schildbach, Christian, et al. "Estimation of frequency conversion efficiency of THz devices using a ballistic electron wave swing circuit model." Semiconductor Science and Technology 31.6 (2016): 065003.

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