Does Quantum Chaos Exist?

Knauf A (2001)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2001

Publisher: Springer

Edited Volumes: Chance in Physics

Series: Lecture Notes in Physics

City/Town: Berlin, Heidelberg

Book Volume: 547

Pages Range: 235-241

DOI: 10.1007/3-540-44966-3_17


The usual operational definition of the term ‘Quantum Chaos’, meaning a quantum system whose classical counterpart is non-integrable, is not self-contained. However it is argued that there cannot be any intrinsic definition of chaoticity of a finite quantum system which is not based on some kind of semiclassical limit.

Unlike for finite systems, the quantum dynamical entropy of infinite systems may be strictly positive. However, an example shows that this quantity may be lowered by interactions which lead to an increase of classical dynamical entropy.

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How to cite


Knauf, A. (2001). Does Quantum Chaos Exist? In Jean Bricmont, Giancarlo Ghirardi, Detlef Dürr, Francesco Petruccione, Maria Carla Galavotti, Nino Zanghi (Eds.), Chance in Physics. (pp. 235-241). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.


Knauf, Andreas. "Does Quantum Chaos Exist?" Chance in Physics. Ed. Jean Bricmont, Giancarlo Ghirardi, Detlef Dürr, Francesco Petruccione, Maria Carla Galavotti, Nino Zanghi, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2001. 235-241.

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