Adrián-Martínez S, Albert A, André M, Anton G, Ardid M, Aubert JJ, Avgitas T, Baret B, Barrios-Martí J, Basa S, Bertin V, Biagi S, Bormuth R, Bou-Cabo M, Bouwhuis MC, Bruijn R, Brunner J, Busto J, Capone A, Caramete L, Carr J, Celli S, Chiarusi T, Circella M, Coleiro A, Coniglione R, Costantini H, Coyle P, Creusot A, Deschamps A, De Bonis G, Distefano C, Donzaud C, Dornic D, Drouhin D, Eberl T, El Bojaddaini I, Elsässer D, Enzenhöfer A, Fehn K, Felis I, Fusco LA, Galatà S, Gay P, Geißelsöder S, Geyer K, Giordano V, Gleixner A, Glotin H, Gracia-Ruiz R, Graf K, Hallmann S, Van Haren H, Heijboer AJ, Hello Y, Hernández-Rey JJ, Hößl J, Hofestädt J, Hugon C, Illuminati G, James C, De Jong M, Kadler M, Kalekin O, Katz U, Kießling D, Kouchner A, Kreter M, Kreykenbohm I, Kulikovskiy V, Lachaud C, Lahmann R, Lefèvre D, Leonora E, Loucatos S, Marcelin M, Margiotta A, Marinelli A, Martínez-Mora JA, Mathieu A, Michael T, Migliozzi P, Moussa A, Mueller C, Nezri E, PǍvǍlaš GE, Pellegrino C, Perrina C, Piattelli P, Popa V, Pradier T, Racca C, Riccobene G, Roensch K, Saldaña M, Samtleben DF, Sanguineti M, Sapienza P, Schnabel J, Schüssler F, Seitz T, Sieger C, Spurio M, Stolarczyk T, Sánchez-Losa A, Taiuti M, Trovato A, Tselengidou M, Turpin D, Tönnis C, Vallage B, Vallée C, Van Elewyck V, Vivolo D, Wagner S, Wilms J, Zornoza JD, Zúñiga J (2016)
Publication Status: Published
Publication Type: Journal article, Original article
Publication year: 2016
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
Book Volume: 2016
Article Number: 016
Journal Issue: 5
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2016/05/016
A search for Secluded Dark Matter annihilation in the Sun using 2007-2012 data of the ANTARES neutrino telescope is presented. Three different cases are considered: a) detection of dimuons that result from the decay of the mediator, or neutrino detection from: b) mediator that decays into a dimuon and, in turn, into neutrinos, and c) mediator that decays directly into neutrinos. As no significant excess over background is observed, constraints are derived on the dark matter mass and the lifetime of the mediator.
Adrián-Martínez, S., Albert, A., André, M., Anton, G., Ardid, M., Aubert, J.J.,... Zúñiga, J. (2016). A search for Secluded Dark Matter in the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(5).
Adrián-Martínez, S., et al. "A search for Secluded Dark Matter in the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope." Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2016.5 (2016).
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