Fast Dynamic Reconstruction Algorithm with Joint Bilateral Filtering for Perfusion C-arm CT

Manhart M, Kowarschik M, Fieselmann A, Deuerling-Zheng Y, Hornegger J (2012)

Publication Status: Accepted

Publication Type: Conference contribution, Conference Contribution

Publication year: 2012

Original Authors: Manhart Michael, Kowarschik Markus, Fieselmann Andreas, Deuerling-Zheng Yu, Hornegger Joachim

Pages Range: 2304-2311

Conference Proceedings Title: NSS/MIC 2012 Conference Record

Event location: Anaheim, CA US



Tissue perfusion measurement using C-arm angiographysystems is a novel technique with potential high benefitfor catheter-guided treatment of stroke in the interventionalsuite. However, perfusion C-arm CT (PCCT) is challenging:the slow C-arm rotation speed only allows measuring samplesof contrast time attenuation curves (TACs) every 5 - 6 s ifreconstruction algorithms for static data are used. Furthermore,the peaks of the tissue TACs typically lie in a range of 5- 30 HU, thus perfusion imaging is very sensitive to noise.We present a dynamic, iterative reconstruction (DIR) approachto reconstruct TACs described by a weighted sum of linearspline functions. The optimization problem is solved using anappropriate initialization and a Landweber-based optimizationstrategy with a modified backprojection step. To reduce noise anovel regularization technique based on Joint Bilateral Filtering(JBF) is introduced. The algorithm is evaluated using simulationdata created with a dynamic cylindrical phantom, a realisticdigital brain phantom and real measured data from an animalstudy with a canine stroke model. Results indicate that the DIRalgorithm qualitatively and quantitatively improves reconstructedTACs and perfusion maps compared to classical Feldkamp(FDK) reconstruction. For the brain phantom study the Pearsoncorrelation (PC) of the reconstructed cerebral blood flow (CBF)maps to the ground truth increased from 0.82 (FDK) to 0.87(DIR). For the canine study the PC of the CBF maps to coregisteredperfusion CT maps increased from 0.61 (FDK) to 0.73(DIR).

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How to cite


Manhart, M., Kowarschik, M., Fieselmann, A., Deuerling-Zheng, Y., & Hornegger, J. (2012). Fast Dynamic Reconstruction Algorithm with Joint Bilateral Filtering for Perfusion C-arm CT. In NSS/MIC 2012 Conference Record (pp. 2304-2311). Anaheim, CA, US.


Manhart, Michael, et al. "Fast Dynamic Reconstruction Algorithm with Joint Bilateral Filtering for Perfusion C-arm CT." Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA 2012. 2304-2311.

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