Nonlinear elliptic systems with Dini continuous coefficients

Duzaar F, Gastel A (2002)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2002


Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Book Volume: 78

Pages Range: 58-73

Journal Issue: 1


DOI: 10.1007/s00013-002-8217-1


We consider nonlinear elliptic systems of divergence type with Dini continous coefficients and prove a partial regularity result for weak solutions. Our method of proof is based on a generalization of the technique of harmonic approximation. Our result is optimal in the sense that in the case of Hölder continous coefficients we establish the optimal Hölder exponent for the derivative of the weak solution on its regular set.

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How to cite


Duzaar, F., & Gastel, A. (2002). Nonlinear elliptic systems with Dini continuous coefficients. Archiv der Mathematik, 78(1), 58-73.


Duzaar, Frank, and Andreas Gastel. "Nonlinear elliptic systems with Dini continuous coefficients." Archiv der Mathematik 78.1 (2002): 58-73.

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