Investigations and calculations into decreasing the uncertainty of a nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NPM-Machine)

Schmidt I, Hausotte T, Gerhardt U, Manske E, Jäger G (2007)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2007


Publisher: Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access

Book Volume: 18

Pages Range: 482-486

DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/18/2/S22


Continuously increasing demands on nanopositioning and nanomeasuring (NPM) machines require a detailed analysis of and a decrease in measurement uncertainty. Initial studies have been done in the field of length and angle measurement. The analysis resulted in updated assemblies, which were investigated further. Significant improvements in mechanical stability, drift behaviour and temperature dependence were produced. To minimize the undesired heat production by the non-self-locking vertical linear drive systems, an improved weight force compensation arrangement adaptable to different object masses was developed and tested. Also, the system's natural frequencies were analysed. A modified structure with increased stiffness of the vertical drive system was designed to improve the NPM's dynamic behaviour.

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How to cite


Schmidt, I., Hausotte, T., Gerhardt, U., Manske, E., & Jäger, G. (2007). Investigations and calculations into decreasing the uncertainty of a nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NPM-Machine). (pp. 482-486). Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access.


Schmidt, Ingomar, et al. "Investigations and calculations into decreasing the uncertainty of a nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NPM-Machine)." Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access, 2007. 482-486.

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